Proposal Critique (1/7/15)

Daniel Hewett, our RISD advisor, and Dawn King, our Brown advisor, joined us today to critique our project proposals. All eight of us presented:

  • A brief project description
  • Goals
  • Rules/Constraints (if applicable)
  • List of questions you’re hoping to answer
  • How does your project relate to bridging two modes
  • A brief description of a typical Workday
  • Overall Project Timeline
  • List of personal readings/research

Our projects underwent rigorous scrutiny and, as a result, our ideas were thoroughly dissected and many assumptions were challenged. By the end of this week, we will have revisited, edited, and uploaded more meaningful iterations.

First Meeting (1/5/15)

Today we had our first meeting! After first going around and reading the Brown/RISD Dual-Degree application essays we had written and submitted three years ago, we discussed how our initial perceptions of the program had changed since we first arrived at College Hill. Afterwards, we created a rough list of ground rules in order to help structure our class. We then began discussion of the readings that were assigned for the day: excerpts from Everything Sings by Denis Wood, a chapter from On Looking by Alexandra Horowitz, and a recorded lecture by Alan Watts. In particular, we discussed the role of narrative in our separate fields, and how we as artists and creators function as transformers, be it in making the impersonal personal or the familiar unfamiliar. Overall, it was a fulfilling first discussion.

After a short break, we began working out class logistics and discussing desired structure for our proposals for our individual projects. We concluded with a meta-discussion that focused on the class itself–how we felt, any suggestions and comments we had about the class itself, and how the class could potentially be improved or changed in the coming weeks.

The class is off to a good start!